Criminal Defense and Civil Investigations
Criminal and civil defense investigations are every bit as involved and require as much expertise as law enforcement investigations. With our background in law enforcement we are experienced and trained in interview techniques, evidence gathering and review, as well as criminal and civil processes.
We can help you fill in the blanks by conducting good old-fashioned detective work. Commonly referred to as pounding the pavement, this can include revisiting the scene for additional leads, re-interviewing existing witnesses, conducting neighborhood canvasses, and pursuing additional witnesses for information. Our goal is to help you plan and prepare for the best possible defense strategy.
Our criminal and civil defense investigation services may include:
Defendant Interview
Initial review of the case details
Obtaining copies of police reports
Review of documents and evidence
Review of prior witness statements
Witness interviews and re-interviews
Discovering new witnesses/evidence
Courtroom testimony when necessary
Serving Subpoenas
Witness background checks
Contact Strike Investigations Private Investigators in Greenville SC, for a confidential consultation.
*Strike Investigations does not provide legal advice or representation.